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6 Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool

Signs He Likes You But Is Playing It Cool
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Getting mixed signals from a guy, or doubting whether a guy likes you or is just being nice? We’ve got you covered. Here’s 6 signs he likes you but is playing it cool. 

6 Signs He Likes You but Is Playing It Cool

1. He Singles You Out

If you met him through mutual friends and usually spend time together in a group, pay attention to how often he tries to seclude you in one-on-one conversation. If he likes you, he’ll desire to get to know you and will try to talk to you alone as much as possible.

2. He Asks Questions about You

What kinds of questions does he ask you? If he inquires beyond the generic “how was your day” rhetoric and asks specific questions about your interests, family and personal life, this is a sure sign that he’s digging you.

3. He Remembers

A smitten fellow will notice things about you that others don’t. He’ll recall a movie you mentioned liking and find a way to work it into conversation. He’ll remember something funny you said and recall it with you later. He’ll know and acknowledge your birthday. (A word of caution, however; if he starts bringing up things you know you’ve never told him, it may be time to pump the brakes.)

4. He Looks at You

…and not just at your assets, ladies. Any red-blooded man will be tempted to take a look at what you have to offer. But a guy who’s really into you will look (and smile at you) both when you notice it…and when he thinks you don’t.

5. He Acts Nervous

Some guys are experts at hiding this. But if you detect a slight wobble in his voice when he talks to you, it’s likely he’s harboring a crush. He may even act uncharacteristically awkward when you’re around, so try to gauge how he behaves when in a larger group setting as well to compare.

6. He Touches You

Even the most subtle gestures can have meaning, so pay close attention. Whether he’s doing it consciously or not, light touches on the arm, pats on the back or even a playful grab of your shoulders are expressions of his affection.

Why Is He Playing It Cool?

It could be one of the following reasons or several; 

  • Just like us, guys have had their hearts broken too, so he might be reluctant to approach you, fearing rejection. 
  • He’s been quick to express his emotions before only to regret it later, so he’s taking his time with you, making sure you’re the real deal. 
  • He is simply shy. 
  • He is not good at expressing his emotions. While poor communication skills is definitely a major hurdle in relationships for both men and women, and sometimes even a red flag, some men were raised to not express his emotions. So if everything else in your guy checks out, it could be a matter of practice!
  • He is overcome by his nerves! 

What to Do When You Know He Likes You But Is Playing it Cool?

Absolutely nothing. The best thing to do in these scenarios is to play it cool and give him space to pursue you. 


Keep in mind as you’re evaluating that not all these indications taken on their own necessarily mean that the guy in question is interested. Take a look at the bigger picture before getting your hopes up, but if he starts displaying more than one of these qualities, you’ve got yourself a crush!

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About the Author


Marni Battista is a certified professional dating and relationship expert specializing in helping high achieving women find love.

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