Let’s uncover what’s keeping you from a fulfilling, intimate relationship.


Research-Based Transformation



We are not afraid to call you on your $#@! We are not your mother, best friend, or therapist. We have a highly qualified team of professional experts who will stand behind you to provide love, compassion, support and honest guidance as you embark on one of the most important, fulfilling adventures in your life.

Research-Based Transformation


The 5 KEYS is a ten week process that helps you reveal and finally release the conscious and unconscious negative thoughts, beliefs and actions that have been keeping you from a loving relationship with a high-caliber man.
Unlike traditional self-help, our process is like pulling the refrigerator out from against the wall… shining a light on previously hidden blocks so that you make life-altering changes in your dating and love life. You will rewire neural pathways, heal destructive patterns and learn a new way to date. Our proprietary system will enable you to step into your authentic, irresistible self, (for the first time) so that you attract an abundant flow of quality men who adore you, pursue you and want to be with you.
- High achieving women who are financially secure, and dating and relationship is the one piece of their life that does not line up with the rest of their life.
- You have already done some personal development work. Our programs are 'PhD;' level programs and require that you have already invested time in your personal development journey.
- You are courageous and committed to having a meaningful and authentic live, and are willing to take personal responsibility for creating the life you love with someone they love.
You will set specific, measurable goals to achieve during the ten week process and our team will work closely with you to ensure you are hitting the milestones and achieving the breakthroughs necessary to achieve those goals. In this process you will:
- Get clear on the conscious and unconscious level why nothing else has worked so that you attract the high-caliber man that’s right for you.
- Uncover where the guarded , masculine, or “pick-me” energy is coming from - anything that therapy and all other courses have missed so that you can be emotionally available and attract an emotionally available man.
- Let go of the past hurts so that you can trigger natural, magnetic chemistry with the men you like.
- Resolve an unrequited love or a bad for you guy, so that you can have a romantic, committed relationship with the right man.
- Redefine your new self and install real, deep-seated confidence so that high caliber men adore you and pursue you for a relationship.
- Stop doing mental gymnastics thinking your way out of your thoughts to feel better and just be better, happier, and irresistible to conscious, quality men.
- Learn how to be vulnerable and feminine so that you consistently get beyond dates #1, #2 and #3.
- Discover how to get what you want from men using feminine communication during and after the dating process so that you get to choose the quality man you want for a relationship…
- Learn how to set and keep healthy boundaries so you can create a loving partnership with the right man.
- Feel emotionally safe so it’s safe to be vulnerable and create intimacy.
- Feel comfortable being yourself without fear of rejection so you can date with authenticity and confidence.
- Know when to rule him in vs. rule him out so you don’t miss out on ‘the One.’
- Get clear on who you really want to attract into your life based on your newly established identity and then launch yourself online and offline (complete support with writing profile/flirting/body language), so that you can find the deeply fulfilling relationship your heart desires.

In Your Courageous Life VIP (“YCL VIP”) we support clients in the process from dating and courtship through to commitment and building a life together, including communication, problem-solving, transitioning from “me to we”, and blending family and finances so that our clients sustain deep and meaningful intimate relationships.
We also work with our clients to master and implement advanced skills in somatics, neurobiology, cognition, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion to create a meaningful life in the areas of purpose, work, health, and leadership.
Those who have completed our “5 Keys to Becoming Irresistible” process and want ongoing coaching, tools, and support to live an optimal life where they are living the mission of their soul.
The women who work with us in YCL VIP want to make sure they are able to capitalize on all of the opportunities they create with us from the 5 keys and expand that into the areas of:
- Intimate relationships
- Family relationships
- Career
- Purpose
- Health
According to a market study, 100% of our clients in YCL VIP experienced greater overall life and work satisfaction, based on analysis of 14 key areas of life including: intimacy and relationship, leadership ability, productivity, work/life balance and communication skills.
In addition, 80 percent of the women who have been working with us in YCL VIP for a year or more are in monogamous long term partnerships with high quality men.

Here's what our clients have to say:

After many failed attempts with relationships, I no longer wanted to be the girl laying on the bathroom floor sobbing due to a broken heart. At just the right moment, I came across and took Marni’s courses. Shortly after I had my first interaction with Tom, my now husband, and I was able to put all the things I learned into practice. I am forever grateful for the wisdom I gained from Marni’s program that led to the ultimate blessing of finding the most amazing, partner, friend, lover, and husband I could ask for!

Martin and I are now celebrating our 3rd Christmas together and we simply could not be happier. Our relationship is exactly what I had in my vision and I remain super grateful for the work we did during the LA workshop.
Trekking over 300km in the high Himalayan Mountains with the love of my life is my definition of bliss. Your program remains the most life-changing program of my life.

Thank you for the knowledge you have given me. The information has continued to be life changing. I had struggled with finding a relationship since the beginning and often blamed myself 'I am not good enough' and that no one would love me.
I am so blessed that I choose to take the leap since what you taught me has change the perspective about myself. The support from you, Tessa and the group, being in a place to open up in a safe space, and now finding love for life.

Marni helped me to see that what I was doing wasn't going to lead me to where I wanted. If I hadn’t followed the guiding hand of Marni, I wouldn’t have been ready to accept the moments and opportunities presented to me every day. I wouldn’t have met Mark. Having Marni hold me accountable made it easy to recognize when Mr. Right came along.

I have great news! I got engaged this Saturday!
Thanks so much for all your help this past year. I’m super happy!
(Since Neha's wedding last year, she and her husband Rupen welcomed a baby into the world!)

I came to you in the midst of a breakup, the end of yet another destructive relationship on the heels of divorce. I met the love of my life within three months of beginning work with you, and now we’re moving in together and joining our lives...I’m staying with you, Marni.
7 years and 3 kids later I have the life I’ve always dreamed of....relationships are not easy, but I still use the tools that I learned with Marni to communicate, problem solve and love life! THANK YOU Marni!!!!

Through your program, I realized I was being a victim my whole life, which was the most eye opening part. It helped me to see things differently and change who I was so that I wasn’t going back to my old habits. I got a great guy that has helped me to grow and be a better person. I am so grateful to you.
You had a huge influence on my life decisions and I’m eternally grateful for that!

I had a wonderful life, an amazing successful career, family and friends, but the only thing missing was my dream guy. I could just not figure out why this part of my life was so lacking. After I joined Marni’s program, I was able to see very clearly what was holding me back. EYE OPENING BREAKTHROUGHS.
I trusted and I leaned all the way into Marni’s coaching program, and—not only did I find love in my life, the longest, most fulfilling relationship I’ve ever had—all parts of my life are more fulfilled. I am so grateful that I did. It has been an amazing journey!

I was in my 50’s and I didn’t know how to date or make good judgements about men. I had begun to wonder if it was just too late. Marni quickly cut to the chase and helped me see where I was confused and stuck in unhelpful patterns. A month later I met Trevor at an event and our relationship blossomed quickly. Fast forward to 2020, we have been married for three and a half years and no regrets – I feel very lucky to have been given a second chance.