The 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew




Tess Alburn

Life Check Yourself Episode 355 - The Real Reason You Put Off Responding to His Texts, and Why It Really Is a Thing with Tessa Alburn


Life Check Yourself Episode 355 - The Real Reason You Put Off Responding to His Texts, and Why It Really Is a Thing with Tessa Alburn


Tess Alburn

Life Check Yourself Episode 355 – The Real Reason You Put Off Responding to His Texts, and Why It Really Is a Thing with Tessa Alburn

Marni welcomes Tessa Alburn to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Tessa is a certified master coach at the Institute for Living Courageously and has been working on the You’re Courageous Life VIP program. She has helped countless women connect with the essential self, let go of limiting beliefs, and start to write the blueprint for the whole self-life that they really want to live.


  • How to communicate your true self
  • Recognize the power of how you show up in the world
  • Overcoming your self-limitations
  • Uncover what has been holding you back

Creating a Life of Core Meaning [4:30]

Tessa reveals the reasons that so many women come to the ILC and the core change that allows them to finally start creating a life of meaning. Core change means understanding and being your essential self and recognizing how it expresses energetically in the world.

Tessa reminds us that there is nothing wrong with us, but we have to be able to express our true self. We have to learn what needs to shift and then get the essential self expressed in a way that is received and heard by others.

Too many women are missing the pieces around how to communicate from their true self, the part of them that wants to be loved.

You might have a great life, but still feel a disconnect between true gratitude and the gratitude that is in your mind, leaving you feeling stuck and angry. At the ILC campus, we work to help women bridge that gap.

Why Your Essential Self Energy Matters [13:07]

Marni asks why your essential self matters in your efforts to live a meaningful life, attract the right partner, be a powerful leader and create impact in your relationships. Why should we care about that? When we own that it matters to us, we can come into a fullness of life that is freed up to have a more meaningful life experience. That also results in connection with the divine, the universe, and with others.

When we know we are living our purpose in life, we have such deep gratification, deep fulfillment, and deep satisfaction.

Overcoming What is Holding You Back [21:23]

Our clients experience breakthroughs when they start asking themselves high-quality questions. Tessa shares some of these questions, like How did my reaction connect to the past? How did I learn to react like this? How might I love myself even though I’m upset?

If you’re not able to come into your adult self, you will constantly feel hurt and rejected. 

Marni shares the example of choosing not to text men back. Being a quiet woman who doesn’t use her voice is just a script that is holding you back, and holding onto outdated, limiting advice is not the way to get what you really want!

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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