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With Rayna and Kloey Battista

Life Check Yourself Episode 335 - Is it a Red Flag or Are You Just Being Picky? With Rayna and Kloey Battista


Life Check Yourself Episode 335 - Is it a Red Flag or Are You Just Being Picky? With Rayna and Kloey Battista


With Rayna and Kloey Battista

Life Check Yourself Episode 335 – Is it a Red Flag or Are You Just Being Picky? With Rayna and Kloey Battista

Marni welcomes two young women who are close to her heart to assist in Chris Gillis’ absence. Her daughters Rayna and Kloey Battista add their perspectives to the real-life dating examples dished up on this season of Love Island.

Dating Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Is it OK to explore others while dating someone else?
  • Collecting data on a first date without it being an interview
  • Being present and vulnerable in a relationship
  • Recognizing yellow and red flags
  • Approaching dating with emotional intelligence

The Love Island Plot Twist [4:44]

In the middle of the season, the producers wait until everyone is coupled up and then send the women off to meet a set of new guys and the guys become introduced to other women. It caused a ton of drama and good dating lessons.

Tasha and Andrew have been paired together for four weeks. Andrew seems enamored by Tasha, but he tries to be chill. Tasha tells Andrew he is her person yet tells other guys that she is open and willing to get to know them.

Marni asks Kloey and Rayna how this relates to dating in real-life. Is Tasha being on the level?

  • Kloey — The most important thing in life is that your actions and words have to match up. So, Tasha is dating with dignity.
  • Rayna — There are feelings and pressure in the Villa, which is different from dating in real life. There was a double standard presented in the last few episodes. Andrew and Tasha aren’t judged the same.

Andrew has girls telling him he is being screwed over so he acts vengefully. They were just trying to get him interested in them. They were gaslighting to some extent and he fell into the trap.

Remember ladies — It’s OK to date multiple people and you don’t need to tell the other people unless they ask.

Dating Lessons from Paige & Jacques [15:44]

Marni and the ladies dissect the super attractive, smart, professional, big-hearted, and direct girl who is Daneeka. Daneeka hasn’t been able to make a solid connection with any of her guys. She has an interview-style approach to first dates. Marni asks the ladies why she isn’t connecting.

Rayna — Danica is gracefully shouldering rejection. Maybe she isn’t ready for her next relationship because she isn’t over her old one?

Kloey — It is important to be vulnerable. She seems too focused on getting certain answers than on being present with her dates.

On first dates, it is possible to navigate collecting data to make a connection without it seeming like an interview.

Marni says Danica is trying to fit the guys she dates into the role she already has planned for them. Which can be a turn-off and limit true vulnerability.

Does Danica Have an Agenda? [22:22]

Marni and the ladies dissect the super attractive, smart, professional, big-hearted, and direct girl who is Daneeka. Daneeka hasn’t been able to make a solid connection with any of her guys. She has an interview-style approach to first dates. Marni asks the ladies why she isn’t connecting.

  • Rayna — Danica is gracefully shouldering rejection. Maybe she isn’t ready for her next relationship because she isn’t over her old one?
  • Kloey — It is important to be vulnerable. She seems too focused on getting certain answers than on being present with her dates.

On first dates, it is possible to navigate collecting data to make a connection without it seeming like an interview.

Marni says Danica is trying to fit the guys she dates into the role she already has planned for them. Which can be a turn-off and limit true vulnerability.

Make a Connection:

Let Marni’s Incredible Dating Odyssey Be Your Guide…

Marni Battista’s memoir/”how to” hybrid candidly chronicles her own journey to self-awareness and manifesting love, lighting the way for other women to do the same. How to Find a Quality Guy replaces the outdated relationship paradigm with realistic advice and invaluable steps for finding and keeping the kind of love we all deserve

Amazon #1 best seller in Kindle Store – Parenting & Relationships and Amazon #2 in Kindle Store – Love & Romance

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