The 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew


3 Mistakes You Are Making in Your Online Dating Profile that Are Killing your Results With Quality Men

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You have a great online dating profile, right?
Or do you?

The truth is, there are 3 mistakes most women make that kill their results online…

Any one of these mistakes will keep the good guys, the quality men you really want to ask you out, from ever reaching out…

Leaving you with an inbox of guys who ghost, flake, or can’t commit … or even worse, just plain ‘crickets.’

In a moment I’ll show you where your online profile is turning off great guys, and what to do instead.

But if you are struggling to find ‘Mr Right’ online, you’re definitely not alone!

Here are three subtle mistakes you might be making in your profile that will make a huge impact on your results:

3 Mistakes in Your Online Dating profile

1. "Job Description" Profile

Eliminate using words and phrases that make it look like you are writing a job description, especially in the first paragraph. Not only does it read ‘masculine’ to a high quality man, but as most men who we interview report, one of their first date ‘pet peeves’ is that they feel like they are being interviewed. When a quality man goes online and gets an interview vibe within the first few seconds of reviewing your profile, he may pass you by. Dating and relationships and love are heart centered connections, and when you write a list of what you want, a quality man will not be able to get a sense of your big heart and who you are on the inside. Even a great guy is likely to make up stories that you are looking to fill a role rather than fall in love.

2. Successful, Independent Woman Not Here for...

Don’t lead with your success, independence, and what you are not looking for. Profiles that start out saying things like “I’m a successful, independent woman who loves travel and adventure,” can be interpreted to a quality man that you are too busy and even have some hard edges to you. What’s true is that a high quality man is looking for a woman who wants an interdependent relationship. He will be turned on by the fact that you can be both independent and feminine. While he loves that you are successful, he wants to know who you are rather than what you do. In addition, when you list what you don’t want, most good men will read that as an unconscious list of the ways you have been burned and hurt, or a vibe that you may be over an ex, but are still hurt, bitter, or angry. Focus instead on the core values you want to share with your partner and use your word count to show him what that looks like in the magical life you will create together. Show him who you are, not what you are.

3. Lists, Lists & More Lists

Show, don’t tell! For example, rather than write out a list of what you love to do, that you want kids or don’t, or are looking for someone who likes travel or is into sustainability, instead write a profile that shows what your life looks like because you both share these values. If you want someone who has a value of adventure or travel, use sentence starters like, “On the weekends we love to explore hidden B and B’s on the coast.” Into roughing it… how about something like this? “We love to grab our tent and get in the car to find a remote camping spot with a view of the ocean!” Men want to imagine what life is like with you, and when you make a list it doesn’t inspire him to make a connection. And, what’s worse, is that the parts of you that are unique won’t be perceptible when you lead with lists. And since most profiles have lists, yours won’t stand out amongst the crowd!

Bottom Line

The bottom line is, there are more quality guys than ever looking for connections online.

And if you’re not hearing from them, you’re probably making one of these mistakes and turning off the high-caliber men who could be perfect for you!

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About the Author


Marni Battista is a certified professional dating and relationship expert specializing in helping high achieving women find love.

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