Are You Dating 

An Emotionally Unavailable Man?

10 Signs Of Emotional Unavailability  in Men 


He Tells You He's Unavailable

He might tell you that you’re “amazing,” but he just can’t commit to anything right now, or come up with any excuse why he just can not commit at the moment.


He Does Not Express Feelings

He might share info, which gives you the FALSE idea that you’re emotionally intimate. Stories (including past heartache) don't count as being able to express feelings.


He Fears Intimacy

You would typically find him shying away from any conversation that involves your relationship, your feelings or any long-term plans.


Excuses, Excuses

He’ll always portray himself to be in the midst of some sort of a crisis. Without you realizing, you’ll find yourself sucked in his drama and always having to be there for him. 


He Has A Push-Pull Strategy

He pursues you hard at the beginning and pushes for physical or emotional intimacy. But once he's won you over, he pulls away and often disappears for a week or two.


He Is Inconsistent

He may surprise you with a weekend getaway only to cancel on you several times in the next week or show up and shower you with love and affection only to ghost you the next day


He Mirrors Your Emotions

You’ll find him mirroring you both in actions and words, nodding his head and saying things like “I feel the same”, without him expressing any emotions of his own.



A man who is  running from his emotions desperately needs a distraction. So, you might find him throwing himself in work, addicted to working out, drinking alcohol, watching porn etc.


He Likes To Be In Control

These aforementioned strategies are meant to control you. Once he realizes he is in control, he’ll vanish mysteriously, resurface unannounced only to vanish again. 


He's Suspicious of Others

If a guy is asking lots of questions about your whereabouts, your past or seem to mistrust you for some reason, it’s time to grab your sneakers and run for the hills!

Have You Ever Dated An Emotionally Unavailable  Man?

Learn Definition, Signs, FAQs and More on Emotional Unavailability in Men.