5 Dating Mistakes That Are Killing Your Love Life 


Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve

Wanting to spend all your time together and openly express  your feelings is common, but doing so can make you appear clingy, desperate or dependent.


Downplaying Your Intelligence 

Most quality men will seek a more long-term connection with a woman with opinions and a good head on her shoulders. 


Making Him Jealous

Besides coming across as immature, jealousy is risky; rather than piquing his interest, you’re probably hurting his feelings. Also, quality men don’t like to play games.


Babying Him

While daters of past generations may have enjoyed this dynamic, men today find it oppressive and overbearing. Give him space to make his own decisions like a big boy.


Playing Hard To Get

Game-playing and mixed signals are things of the past. While a slight challenge can be exhilarating for men, giving them too much guesswork will appear juvenile and silly.

What Mistake Are You Guilty of? 

Learn What To Do Instead