“The 5-Min Energy Pick-Me-Up You Can Do In Your Car” with Tammy Mastroberte
In this week’s episode, I welcome Tammy Mastroberte to the Life Check Yourself studio. Tammy is a bestselling and award-winning author, spiritual teacher, and wellness expert. Her mission is to empower people with simple and practical tools to thrive in everyday life and create positive change. We’ll dive into her latest book, “The Higher Help Method: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You,” and explore the transformative power of connecting with a higher power. In this episode, Tammy shares insights from her new book and discusses how we can tap into higher help to navigate life’s challenges and manifest our desires. We break down her approach into actionable steps, providing listeners with practical tools to enhance their spiritual journey.
- Defining Higher Help
- How to Set Intentions and Clarity
- How to Shift Your Energy
Defining Higher Help (00:05:01)
Tammy explains the concept of higher help and how it can be personalized based on individual beliefs and practices. The Higher Help Method can be customized and used no matter what belief system you have. It’s about finding what resonates with you and using it to connect with higher help.
“When I talk about higher help, I’m talking about a higher power, in whatever way you may define that. It can be spirit, God, source, the universe, higher power.”
Setting Intentions and Clarity (00:08:43)
Focusing on what you don’t have keeps you stuck. Instead, set clear intentions and focus on what you want to attract more of that positive energy into your life.
“If you are focused on what you don’t have, you are constantly communicating with the universe through your thoughts, emotions, and belief systems, asking for more of what you don’t want.”
Shifting Your Energy (00:15:27)
Even small shifts in your energy and mindset can create significant changes in your life. Practice repeating positive mantras to redirect your focus and calm your mind.
“Take 60 seconds to shift your energy. Close your eyes and repeat a mantra like ‘All is well, I am safe.’ This simple practice can make a significant difference.”