Life Check Yourself Episode 324 – With Kalyn Wilson: Procrastinating? How to Stop Waiting for the Right Time and Start Living Your Best Life Now
Marni speaks with Sage, Coach, Veteran Business Strategist, and Thought Leader, Kalyn Wilson. Kalyn’s work experience includes influential non-profits, city government, part CEO, principal consultant, and Ph.D. candidate, and has cultivated talent management wins at Fortune 100 companies. Her life and career outlook are inspiring and thought-provoking. There are so many useful nuggets in this episode!
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- How to create your life on your terms
- Managing time and timing
- The power of waiting on inspiration
- The new world of work
- The key to flow
What Makes Kalyn So Special? [2:41]
Kalyn knows how to create the life of her dreams. She has always been an advisor. In her youth, her grandmother would let her know the family’s business if she could keep up during conversations. She learned the power of listening and how to quickly read people’s facial expressions. Her gift was to be emotionally intelligent enough to know how to respond.
It may not always feel like it, she says but people around us are always paying attention and becoming inspired by our lives in ways we can not always measure.
Recognize your influence and leverage it for good.
How to Get the Life and Career You Deserve [5:34]
Expanding the definition of what is possible for ourselves and using our inner wisdom to know when to take action is how we can create a life we feel in alignment with. Timing makes the difference between us catching a moment or reacting to a moment. The pandemic made a lot of us feel as though we missed our moment a long time ago, but we didn’t. The time is now!
The management of time and timing is critical for success and wellbeing.
Kalyn believes that, for many people, it is the destination they focus on and not the journey they are on. If more people took the time to think about their life as a whole, as a journey they would make strategic decisions about who and where they want to be.
We are not machines. Everything needs rest and recovery. When we do not listen to our inner Self, our immune systems weaken and our bodies get stressed out with anxiety. We inherently know when to stop, we just need to trust our journey and do what is best for us.
Don’t wait too late. Amazing things happen when we listen to the timing of the universe.
The New World of Work [26:13]
The pandemic made working from home the best alternative for employers to keep their workforces producing. Now, they may be motivated to get people back into the office simply because they have so much money invested in the existing real estate. If you prefer working from home, tell employers the value they get from giving you what you want.
Sometimes we play savior in situations that are not worth being saved.
She reminds us that we are moving out of the post-industrial era and work is changing. Previously, corporations held the power to tell us at what pace work should change. In today’s world, talent has the leverage. Tap into what you love to do and where you love to do it. Collect the data, make the ask, and then make decisions about what best aligns with you.
- Get clear about exactly what it is that keeps you feeling in control.
- Be aware of what you want.
- The key to flow is the willingness to balance wait and action.
- Everything doesn’t need to be now, now, now.
- True creatives wait for their inspiration. It comes with divine timing.
- Have compassion for yourself.